By Emma Paletta
Election day is coming up this year on November 6 where United States citizens can participate in voting for the midterms.
Many young voices want to be heard, but it can be confusing to new voters as how to best research for an educated vote. It is easy to vote based on family views, or opinions of friends but, to be an educated voter is to form opinions through research.
Voting has been made much easier now that the Internet is at the tips of people’s fingers. The best way to research politics and candidates is easily accessible on a phone or computer.
If access to a computer is not available at home, a local library will have anything needed in order to stay on top on the news.
The Michigan Voter Information Center has any information needed for voting day such as the polling location. Also, Social Studies Teacher, Mr. Kindred, suggests subscribing to a news feeder which will show refined news articles based on one’s interests in politics.
Marjorie O’Donnel, a Computer Technician at the Lyon Township Public Library, says that hearing the candidates speak verses reading the words they publish in campaigns is more revealing of the candidate so being able to attend or watch debates would be a great option for research.
“Voting is the easy part, keeping up with the other 364 days of the year is the hard part,” said Mr. Kindred. Doing research is important when planning to vote. Talking to a trusted individual can be helpful for getting details and perspectives that may have been unknown before.
Why should someone vote?
Anna Simpson, a college student at the University of Michigan, voiced her opinion on the matter very passionately and expressed the want for a higher turnout with younger voters and in general with everyone. She sees passion in her fellow students about getting their voices heard which gives her high hopes for this election year.
“Sometimes things you don’t like or don’t agree with will happen if you don’t go out and vote. These things directly impact you: Your family, your friends. If you want to have a say in that then voting is the most impactful way to do that and a right that you should exercise. This is the world we’re going to inherit so we [have] to get out there and decide what kind of world we want to live in,” she said.
The way the country is run affects the younger generation.
O’Donnel expressed that the environment is going to affect the younger generation more and that’s why it’s important to get out and vote to represent young voters. Voting is important and getting an “I voted” sticker is very exciting in O’Donnel’s opinion; a little added plus to attending the responsibility to vote.
Not sure where or how to vote? Visit the State of Michigan website. The Lyon Township map and locations are listed below.
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