Brief Information Students Should Know About Each Week
Food Service
A variety of hot and cold meals are offered daily in the cafeteria. These items are all STILL complimentary! Bring a student ID.
Tuesday and Thursday “Take Home” meals
- “Take Home” meals are available every Tuesday and Thursday, at the end of day, outside the cafeteria. Meals are complementary and setup as “Grab and Go”. Each bag consists of 5 Breakfast, 3 Lunches and Milk.
Monday and Thursday teacher lunch schedule
Tuesday and Friday teacher lunch schedule
Senior Panoramic Photo
The yearbook staff is working on creating a Class of 2021 (Senior Class) photo (similar to the panoramic photo in past years) but they need your help!
Seniors need to submit a photo of themselves, sitting straight in a normal chair against a plain background. Hands should be in your lap and feet should be flat on the floor. Please wear a black or dark colored shirt. You do NOT need to wear a mask in the picture.
Yearbook will be cutting these all together to create a unified class photo since students can’t gather to do one in person this year. Please do not crop the photo or add any unusual filters or words to the image, and the photo should be of your entire body.
Photos can be turned in to Mrs. Krieger by Jan. 29 (an extended deadline!) via the form at this link: https://forms.gle/4VFi4pi3SxfLBGrY8
SLE Fundraisers – Clubs, Teams & Organizations
Each year many South Lyon East High School students participating in a variety of clubs, teams, and organizations plan fundraisers to either help support their organization or to donate to a charitable cause. All current fundraisers are listed on the SLE website under the School Links menu, Fundraisers 2020-2021.
THE JUNIOR CLASS is currently hosting a fundraiser raffle for 1 JBL Speaker ($120 value) and 1 Gift basket ($100 value). Students can buy tickets at all lunches for $3 each or 5 tickets for $10. All proceeds go to prom and student events. Contact adviser Ms. Duncan with any questions.
Important Upcoming Dates
- 2/14 Valentines Day
- 2/15-2/19 Mid-Winter Break
Daily Schedule for 2nd semester
Technology Issues
If you’re having issues with logging into your school account or having an issue with your laptop or chromebook, fill out this form.
Grade Level Google Classrooms
Every class has a different Google Classroom code. Every Google Classroom has many different resources for students.
Class of 2021: ugrxif7
Class of 2022: vfksfm6
Class of 2023: gmyt6k3
Class of 2024: frza26g

I like to draw and write. I have been writing since second grade, so I took Journalism and Writing for Publications.

I'm a senior here at East and I'm 17. I enjoy painting and drawing. In my free time I like to bake and hangout with friends.
adviser • Mar 19, 2021 at 12:32 pm
Hi there- we actually just finished this story! One of our student editors will reach out to you. Thanks for your interest!